How to prevent the control cable from overloading and catching fire

As the main carrier of power transmission, industrial control cables can be widely used in all aspects of our daily lives. However, during the operation of industrial control cables, resistance heating tends to occur. However, the temperature that the wire can withstand is limited, and if it exceeds a certain temperature, there will be greater danger. For example, when the current is overloaded, it will cause overheating. When the overheating reaches a certain level, it will cause high-temperature combustion and cause a fire. So how to effectively prevent industrial control cables from catching fire due to overload?

1. In the process of industrial control cable design, the capacity of the site should be accurately verified, and the possibility of adding capacity in the future should be fully considered, and the appropriate type of wire should be selected. For large capacity, thicker wire should be selected. Industrial control cable design and reasonable selection are the key steps to prevent overload. If the design is not properly selected, it will leave inherent hidden dangers that are difficult to rectify. Some small projects and places are not carefully designed and selected. It is very dangerous to choose and lay industrial control cables at will. New electrical appliances and electrical equipment should fully consider the capacity of the original lines. If the original line does not meet the requirements, it should be redesigned and remodeled.
2. Industrial control cables should be laid by qualified electricians in accordance with relevant specifications. The laying conditions of industrial control cables directly affect the heat dissipation of the wires. Generally speaking, the laying of industrial control cables should not pass through flammable and combustible materials and stacks, which will cause poor heat dissipation of the wires, heat accumulation, and the possibility of igniting the surrounding combustible materials, which increases the risk of fire under overload conditions. The wiring in the decoration ceiling of public places should be protected by steel pipes to separate the ceiling from the circuit. In the case of overload, short circuit, etc., the molten beads will not fall to avoid fire.
3. Strengthen power management, avoid random wiring and wiring, and use mobile sockets with caution. Random wiring, random wiring, and use of mobile sockets are actually adding electrical equipment to a certain section of the line, which increases the amount of current and may cause overload. There are obviously more mobile sockets than fixed sockets on the wall. If too many electrical equipment are used on the mobile sockets, the original wiring must be unbearable. For larger power equipment and electrical appliances, separate industrial Concentric Cables should be installed, and mobile sockets should not be used as wiring sources.
4. Speed ​​up the renewal and transformation of old lines to eliminate fire hazards. In old enterprises, old residential areas and other units, many industrial control cables have been aging and have exceeded their service life due to their long use time. Even if the current-carrying capacity of some lines is not large, the aging circuit can hardly withstand such current-carrying capacity, and it also has the danger of overload. Especially in old residential areas, industrial control cables have long been aging, but with the improvement of people’s living standards and the increase of household appliances, their electricity consumption is still increasing year by year, which is really worse. For old lines, timely supervision and coordination should be carried out, and rectification should be promoted as soon as possible to eliminate fire hazards and ensure safety.
The content introduced above is to effectively prevent industrial control cables from catching fire due to overload. In order to effectively ensure that the industrial control cable catches fire due to overload, you must have the above problems in your daily use. Once these problems are found, you need to replace new cable products and take other guarantee measures in time. , So that we can effectively prevent the fire from happening and ensure the safety of our lives