Where to get sheets of aluminium ?

My friend, I have a motor boat and i want to make it more sturdy. So I’m thinking of adding sheets of aluminium on the floor and hull sides under the seats.

I can get this from where ? Any website or shop that sell aluminum sheet?

Thank you, Daniel.

Where to get sheets of aluminium

Aluminum is an excellent material for creating lightweight boats because it does not rust easily and it is very strong in compression (bending). Many people who own aluminum fishing boats do not realize that they need to protect the surfaces with paint or varnish every year because these materials are attacked by oxygen. You should also check your local laws regarding aluminum as a structural material in your boat. In some areas they require you to use fiberglass or wood instead since all these materials don’t corrode so quickly when exposed to water. Aluminum will not rust but like any other metal if you leave salt water near it it will start to corrode which makes cleaning up messes difficult unless you remove them right away! Aluminium is used today mostly in aircraft, cars, bicycles and many other products due its light weight properties as well as being non-magnetic meaning weapons cannot affect electronics etc out of pure curiosity aluminium was discovered around 1825 by Humphry Davy after he bombarded silver chloride with calcium carbonate forming metallic calcium oxide now this substance was named after him ‘alumium’ . Aluminium has been known for thousands of years primarily for its medicinal properties but was never really considered a good metal until about 200 AD when people started using al-Ni alloy (meaning made from niobium) first found at Sesto Fiorentino Italy through prospectors searching for galena which is lead sulphide ore used at the time in making ink pens and paints among other things however they had no idea what they had found until X-ray diffraction equipment came into use during World War II scientists were able to see there were several new alloys within this sample such as Y alloy (meaning containing yttrium) then K Alloy (meaning containing krypton gas ) researchers would come across samples with small amount of metals such as germanium only added causing speculation One of the first uses for aluminium was in World War I with German planes, who were able to fly higher than their British counterparts because they used lighter planes for structural purposes as well as having better engines which gave them an advantage. Aluminium came into its own when aircraft designers discovered that it could be easily fabricated by extr auting a low melting point alloy with another metal. Aluminium alloys have many uses, one of the most common being aircrafts, spacecraft and sporting equipment. Aluminium is also used in construction due to its light weight properties it makes buildings fall into place more easily as well as lessening damage from earthquakes or other natural disasters such as fires.